Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year resolution tips for the wired life

Here is what I ave for everyone for the New Year
New Year resolution tips for the wired life

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Introducing the new daily immune system booster for the wired life

Today’s wired life leaves many with immune system deficiency problems so that though they think they are working for a living to live, they are actually working for a living to die due to the biochemical and other immune system deficiencies that are inherent in computer use resulting in various health issues not normally linked to computer use.

Many would like to improve their health with diet but are too busy to prepare such meals or do not have the knowledge of such meals or that they even exist.

In my never ending search of ways of getting the information about the true costs health wise of the wired life and how to overcome them, I am introducing what I call the wired life daily health boosters.

I will prepare two food products that can be picked up daily from me on the way to work or weekly. This is currently available for people living in parts of Central and Northern New Jersey. I will also conduct cooking classes for those interested in learning how to make them. I can go over to homes or have them come to me.
In a bid to make this available nationwide, I am offering a franchise program to anyone interested in introducing this program to their home area.

Therefore now boost your immune system on the go and avoid devastating consequences of computer use by taking on a daily basis, a well balanced home made smoothie/juice made by me.the expert on health solutions for the wired life Adetutu Ijose a consultant, coach, speaker and author of 15 books on health solutions for the computer user (i.e. health solutions for the wired life) including “Healing Juicing, Smoothies and Milkshake Recipes” and Healing Meals Recipes"

Pick up your freshly made smoothiejuicee daily on the way to work or weekly and refrigerate or freeze. Take it throughout the day at work, home or school and begin to see your health improve.
Daily and weekly orders and pickup are available. Delivery can also be arranged where possible 

Contact Adetutu Ijose directly with regards to any of these offers or for more information at adetutuijose@gmail.com

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Understanding Exercise Boot Camps and Retreats for Better Exercise Based Health Results

Exercise boot camps are typically programs that get you to leave the home and familiar environment and go to a designated unfamiliar place to avoid distractions when the programs are going on. They are sometimes also referred as exercise retreats.

These programs are designed to drill into the participants the benefits of the exercise program by providing both learning/study workshop sessions on the practice of and theory behind the regimen being followed as well as practical exercise sessions.

This 2-pronged approach is supposed to provide a better understanding of the benefits of the regimen in a way that is makes it easier to internalize and retain.

There are many kinds of indoor and outdoor exercise boot camp and retreats available today. There are also early morning drill kinds as well as evening based programs.

Please go to http://voices.yahoo.com/understanding-exercise-boot-camps-7671476.html?cat=50 to read the complete article and learn more. What you learn may be the key to a turnaround in your health. It is important that everyone finds the best exercise regimen that suits their particular need. For some people, this will be it.

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Friday, September 27, 2013

Book on Eyes, Vision and Computer Use

T he eyes for many people would probably be the most important they need for day to day activities. Yet many are not as careful or proactive in protecting this priceless asset as they should be.
This is troubling especially in a technology dependent world that has inherent high negative impact on eye function.
For example  words on a computer screen are not static contrary to the way they are in books for example resulting in a lot of stress to the eye muscles as they are forced to continually focus and refocus.
eyes vision and computer use front cover
It is important that all computer users and those that love and or care for them have a good understanding of these issues to prevent and/or reduce avoidable devastating consequences of computer use to human eyes.
This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.
 Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Friday, September 20, 2013

Why You Should Consider Using a Computer User Lifestyle Coach

Getting and Using Information About Preventive Measures to Take as a Computer User is Not Easy
Computer use is virtually unavoidable in today's high tech world as we all go from desktops, laptops, notebooks to cell phones, blackberries and iphones to kindle, ipads and other ereaders all day.
Some of us spend the most part of each day on computer devices and half of that time on the Internet browsing or chatting on social websites.
Then there are the many stories of marriages and jobs becoming unraveled as a result of sexting, texting Internet sexual activities and other issues that suggest people are becoming unhinged and our ability to maintain self-control is at risk.
Read the full article at http://voices.yahoo.com/why-consider-using-computer-8805047.html?cat=5 to find out more 
Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Book on Computer Use addiction and Withdrawal Sydromes

Contrary to the belief and denial of its existence by many, computer use is indeed addictive and users do experience withdrawal  issues when trying to effect self control with regards to computer use much like that suffered by psychedelic drugs and other  accepted addiction situations
                                                      BookCover_front _computer use addiction
There are biochemical and other fundamental depletions that occur during computer use that affects the user's self control abilities.
Read this book by Adetutu Ijose to understand . You may be very surprised at what you learn in this short book
This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.
 Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Book on the contribution of computer use to the Obesity Epidemic

A lot has been said over the years about obesity and its causes especially inactivity, sugar intake, poor dietary choices and so on. No one is however connecting the dot to computer use an activity that promotes all the various causes of obesity, in addition to biochemical depletion inherent in computer use. In addition there is the issue of stress related overproduction of cortisol, a hormone that is complicit in excessive weight gains.

Read this book by Adetutu Ijose to understand the huge contribution that computer use makes to the current obesity epidemic. You may be very surprised at what you learn in this short 60 page book
This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com


Sunday, September 1, 2013

Book on Cyber Bullying and why and how cyber bullies operate

In her book Cyber Bullying, Adetutu Ijose tells the world why and how cyber bullies operate. This  book provides both teenager and their parents and caregivers an opportunity to understand the biochemical changes that go on in the cyber bully'that results in the act of cyber bullying.

cyber bullying front cover image

It is a short 24 page book that packs a lot of information to help both the perpetrators and the victims to understand the root cause and consequences of their actions so they can take informed decisions that can lead to a turnaround for perpetrators and in the case of victims help them avoid being victimized and/ or allowing the activities of bullies to lead to devastation.

This book is a must read for teenagers and anyone involved with teenagers as well as for policy makers, school authorities an pediatricians and so on.

This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Monday, August 19, 2013

Computer users and the mental health debate

It is obvious to all that the general mental health of the peoples of the earth seems to be deteriorating and the deterioration is global.
What might be causing this? There are many issues. One may lie in the one indispensable tool to living in the modern world.
The very technology that has made the modern world a global village providing instant connection may be part of the root of the problem

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Nine Exercises You Can Do at Your Workstation Without Drawing Attention

Here is another of my articles from 2010. Receive insight to make your life as a computer use better as you read

Workers Need to Be Creative in Exercising to Avoid Becoming a Workplace Distraction for Colleagues.

Further to my article on “Ergonomics, Exercise and the Computer Use Experience” here are eight exercises you can do at your workstation without drawing undue attention to yourself. You do not have to do all of them. Discuss any exercise regime you want to adopt with your physician who is in a better position to access what your body can handle.
1.   Leg Lifts. While seated Lift both legs to thigh or chair seat level and lower them again. Do this about 5 times. This exercise helps in improving circulation to the legs. It could also help in tightening abdominal muscles and improve bowel movement and fecal waste removal if you are slightly constipated.
2.   Lift up one leg and lower it as if walking while seated. Do the same thing with the other leg. Repeat a few times while typing away on the keyboard.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

8 Benefits of Taking a Computer Free Vacation

This is an article I wrote in 2010. It provides you with 8 Reasons Not to Feel Guilty About Not Checking Your Email While on Vacation. 
1) You detoxify your system from all the anxiety of the daily grind. A vacation from work we are told is necessary to help us maintain a high productivity level. Many of us sometimes carry our work with us on our vacations. We check the email everyday. In addition many of us spend the time on social websites and so instead of feeling relaxed when we get back we immediately loose all the feel good feeling we had on vacation. It's like it never happened. We are uptight from the first day back at work.
2) You get much needed exposure to sunlight, fresh air, outdoor exercises and our natural coded way of existence that the body critically needs if it is going to be able to handle the long hours of unnatural existence you expose it to at work coped up in closed window office buildings in front of a computer.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Computer Use induced stress

Computer use is not limited to laptops and desktops but also includes the use of most of our modern gadgets such as iphones, ipads, video games, cell phones and so on that are actually minicomputers.

Our continual exposure to the toxic environment created by operating these tools without adequate preventive measures exposes our human machine system to stresses not naturally coded to it and which it consequently finds difficult to handle on the continuous basis required by our highly wired modern lifestyle.

In the book – Computer Use Induced Stress, Adetutu Ijose in her usual forthright way explains how and why computer use is stressful to the body.

She seeks to help all computer users, their loved ones and doctors gain an understanding of these issues, the underlying reasons why we all feel so stressed out in the modern technology age.

She reveals the overexposure to toxins present in the computer use environment as we go from laptops/desktops to iphones, video games, ipads to cell phone especially when texting and tweeting.

She explains how these unique stresses can be easy misdiagnosed as other more commonly known stresses with dire consequences.

She provides practical solutions on how to problem and how to handle computer use so we minimize these stresses and its effects.

Who knew diet and exercise was important in responsible computer use.

This book is a must for anyone who wants to live successfully in the technological age.

It is important reading for all ages and for both users and medical professionals.

Parents please do not take this issue lightly get this book for you and your children. It is investment well worth it.

.Are you wondering why you are so tired from computer use or why you get so cranky or feel overwhelmed at work or are having communication problems and why no medication seems to be able to make things better?

Maybe the stress inherent in computer use is overwhelming your body’s system. Read this book to find all you need to know to help yourself and avoid a misdiagnosis. 

Give this book to your doctor to read it may save you from a lot of trouble. It may also help you to increase your productivity and avoid being laid off or losing your career due to avoidable health consequence of computer use.

This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.

It is available at  the Book Gallery at Ms. Ijose's website http://www.foodsthathealdaily.com

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com


8 Signs that Indicate Your Insomnia is Computer Use Induced

Insomnia that is Not Resolved by Medication but that Results in Continuous Change in Medication and or Dosage Could Be a Problem for Computer Users

Computer induced insomnia is not well understood and many times could be misdiagnosed as being entirely worry stress induced leading to the mistake of trying to resolve it with medication. This mistake could lead to further depletion of various biochemicals and nutrients resulting in psychotic or mental issue like symptoms. Please refer to my articles title The silent ignored global epidemic part I and especially part II to read more about computer use ailment symptoms mimicking other ailments.
People suffering from this type of insomnia are not really psychotic or badly depressed and administration of anti depressant could turn them into psychotic and badly depressed people with no resolution to their problems but an ever-increasing need to change their medications or dosages.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Healing Juicing, Smoothies and Milk Shake Recipes

Our bodies were created to self heal and juicing is a very quick way to get nutrients into your system. The art of juicing breaks down the vegetables and fruits into small portions and into forms that are more easily digestible than when whole. The enzymes are more easily deployed.

Eating can become a chore and boring. The book Healing Juicing, Smoothies and milk Shake Recipes is a collection of recipes that present ways in which food can be made interesting while still healthy.It also provides information on how to extract the most nutrients from the foods you are using for the juices, milkshakes an smoothies..

 When we have health problems it is a manifestation of some deficiencies in the human machine messaging system. This messaging system is what instructs all the various activities and functions of the body.

This deficiency can arise due to  form water related issues or food nutrient deficiency or deficiency of light fields that are generated from, the sun.

This deficiency is what is responsible for the malfunctioning of the body part that is hurting.and that is manifested as pain.

Consequently the nutritional content of the food we eat is one of the keys to good health and the importance of a good digestive system cannot be overemphasized..

The body's healing process is a continual daily activity and availability of nutrients to self repair determines how good a quality of life health wise we have.

This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.

It is available at  the Book Gallery at Ms. Ijose's website http://www.foodsthathealdaily.com

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com


Friday, July 26, 2013

Book on the Contribution of Computer Use to Allergies and Asthma

There are various reports about increasing levels of asthma and allergies in the population. No one is talking about the correlation between this increase and the increase in computer use.

Indeed chemical,biochemical and light imbalance is inherent in computer use. Adetutu Ijose the computer use induced health conditions expert explains all this in her book Allergies, Asthma and Computer use

Allergy is an environmental condition related ailment, The computer use environment is toxic unless preventive measures are taken to re balance it. These measure which are mostly free are explained in this book.

This book is a must read for anyone who finds himself or herself sneezing during computer use or experiencing other allergy or asthma resembling symptoms.

People with existing allergies and asthma conditions prior to commencement of computer use will find their conditions exacerbated,

Computer use induced health conditions do not resolve with medication and are routinely misdiagnosed as other more commonly known ailments and medicated with dire consequences. The onus is on every computer user to educate themselves in order to properly present their ailments to their doctors as this is not a well known area to the medical profession.

It is not drug resolved contrary to the way conventional medical practice is designed.

This book provides the information every sufferer needs to understand themselves and assist their doctor to understand their ailments. It would be good self help to get a copy into your doctor's hand too,

This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.

It is available at  the Book Gallery at Ms. Ijose's website http://www.foodsthathealdaily.com

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Monday, July 15, 2013

Book on Teenage and Adult Texting Addictions

When texting, certain physiological activities occur in the human body which result in the incessant desire for texting at the expense of actual conversation. Adetutu Ijose the computer use induced health conditions expert in her book explains what happens when texting and why.

Many are unaware that the act of texting is the same as being in front of a regular computer. The same dangers apply.

In addition, because the screen is so small, limiting the expanse of light contrary to our natural coded way of being encompassed by the sunlight our natural source of viewing and reading light.

This posses additional stress to the human body system it is not naturally coded to handle.

The incessant exposure to toxic artificial light and chemicals that texting involves as well as issues such as distracted driving, lack of sleep and its effect on the immune system are some of the issues that this state of addiction brings.

Many would like to be less addicted but find themselves unable to exercise the required self control.Many also progress to the dangerous arena of sexting.

Adetutu's book provides answers to this phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. Find out all you need to know and help yourself and all your love ones.

This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.

It is available at  the Book Gallery at Ms. Ijose's website http://www.foodsthathealdaily.com

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Book on the Health Effects of Video Games

Aetutu Ijose has a very good book on the subject of the health effects of video games.

She actually provides information on the biochemical operations that take place during video gaming and the effect these have on human health.

She also provides practical  suggestions for helping sufferers manage and recovers from these issues. In addition, she provides suggestion on how to avoid and or minimize these issues.

Since video gaming has now entered into every arena of human life including solving corporate problems, development of new products and research, exercising and so on, it is important that everyone gets a good understanding of the stakes involved in their various gaming activities.

There are also many behavioral issues that can arise from over gaming  It is addictive. People who get hurt never plan to get hurt they just fail to become informed.

Manufacturers will always come up with new more exciting games in order to boost sales regardless of the health consequences as we are in a money driven system.

To avoid becoming a sales statistics casualty get yourself informed.

This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle, ipad, nook, kobo and most other ebook reader formats.

It is available at  the Book Gallery at Ms. Ijose's website http://www.foodsthathealdaily.com

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New book on the health effects of computer use on women

There is a new book out by Adetutu Ijose on the health effects of computer use on women. In this book she provides details on gender specific health effects an why they occur.

There are many health related effects of computer use that are common to both men an women. There are however some more pronounced in one sex than the other. Being a woman, Adetutu has been able to identify the women specific issues that every woman needs to know in order to take charge of their health in a computer use dependent world.

Because men and women generally have differences in biochemical needs the effect of computer use on these biochemical groups will have a great effect on how each gender's health is affected.

For example, the estrogen/progesterone balance in women is key to their sense of well being an anything that tips the balance one way or the other such as the estrogen mimicking chemical in computer monitor light can easily throw the delicate natural balance off resulting in many issues that can be easily misdiagnosed.

There are also certain nutrient requirement issues more pronounced in one sex than the other. For example iron is a mineral heavily use by the body in computer use,whose deficiency may be more pronounced in women

This book helps women to understand themselves better. It is also good information for anyone that has a woman they care about - wife, mother, daughter, sister and so on.

The 6".x 9"book is $12. It is 94 pages long and available from www.amazon.com and the author's website www.foodsthathealaily.com in paperback print.

It is also available in ebook format for kindle. Nook, ipad and other ebook formats should be available within the next two weeks.

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Resources that provide health solutions for Computer User

There is scarcity of genuine information that provide solutions to the health problems such as stress, depression and other mental health symptoms, allergies, dry eyes and other compute vision syndromes, muscleloskeletal and other more serious and even life threatening medical conditions that computer users face on a daily basis.

The medical profession has little knowledge of these issues which are routinely misdiagnosed an medicated like other ailments they resemble with ire consequences including loss of employment and livelihood and even loss of life in some cases.

Because computer use is here to stay, it is important that users take ownership of their health an learn what to do and how to communicate with their doctors to avoid misdiagnosis.

Adetutu Ijose has written 14 books to date to help everyone help themselves and all their loved ones.
All her books listed below are available in print format from www.amazon.com and in ebook format for kindle , ipad, nook, kobo, smashwords.com and most other ebook readesr and can be purchased from the various ebook stores.

They are all also available from her book gallery at www.foodsthathealdaily.com.

Computer Use Induced Health Conditions related books by Adetutu Ijose as at the time of writing are:

1)                  Lessons I Learned the Hard Way: How to Identify, Minimize, Treat and Manage Computer Related Health Condition

2)                  Computer Related Health Condition: Understanding the Human Computer
3)                  Healing Juicing Smoothie and Milk Shake Recipes: Juices, Smoothies and Milk Shakes that Help the Body Achieve its Self Healing Process

4)                  Healing Meals Recipe: Meals that Help the Body Achieve its Self Healing Process

5)                  Cyber Bullying: How and Why Bullies operate

6)                  Global Epidemic: The Human Abuse of the Computer

7)                  Computer Use Addiction and Withdrawal Syndromes: What You Need to Know

8)                  Teenage and Adult Texting Addictions: What You Need to Know

9)                  Allergies, Asthma and Computer Use: The Contributory Effects of Computer Use to Allergies and Asthma Trends

10)              Computer Use Induced Stress: What You Need to Know

11)              The Health effect of Video Games: What You Need to Know

12)              Eyes, Vision and Computer Use: How You can Protect Yourself From Technology Use Induced Harm

13)              Obesity and Computer Use: What You Need to Know

14)              Water, Dehydration and Computer Use: Learn How to Protect Yourself

15)       The Health Effects of Computer Use on Women: What Every Woman Needs to Know

Contact Ms. Adetutu Ijose at aetutuijose@mail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New book on - Water, Dehyration and Computer Use

Read the new book by Adetutu Ijose titled Water, Dehydration and Computer Use: Learn How to Protect Yourself.

In this new book Ms. Ijose draws attention to yet another aspect of human health not normally associated with computer use but which unbeknown to users is actually inherent in computer use.

That is because light can only pass into humans via water. Secondly, light dries up water and though our brains via our hearts do not recognize the computer light as true light because it is lifeless, but treats it like a virus in a computer system, the water drying function of light inherent in all forms of light in the earth's atmosphere is true of computer light.

Consequently, the issue of  dehydration is serious for all computer users. That is why we are constantly feeling thirsty when in front of the computer. Many try to solve the thirst problem the wrong way by taking sodas and other fluids. The only good solution to computer use induced thirst is water.

This issue is why computer users have dry eyes problems that do not resolve with eye drops. The dry eyes are the result of the dehydration of the skin, muscles and possibly nerve receptors around the eyes where the tear ducts are. Read more about this and possible nerve infection from the book.

The book provides practical solutions to this and other issues identified as being caused by computer use induced dehydration. This is in addition to explaining why and how the dehydration happens as well as the biochemical implications of such dehydration.

This book is available at http://www.amazon.com in print and also in ebook format for kindle,kobo, ipad, nook and most other ebook reader formats

It is also available at https://www.createspace.com/3638505 and from  the Book Gallery at Ms. Ijose's website http://www.foodsthathealdaily.com

Contact Ms. Ijose at adetutuijose@gmail.com or computerblessings@gmail.com

Monday, January 14, 2013

Why Computer use is incompatible with uncontrolled gun access

We are in the technology age where computers rule our daily lives and actions. Because this exposes us to artificial light we are not naturally coded with, it results in the excessive use of biochemicals and other nutrients our hearts, brains and other body organs and processes use when we are in the presence of light without any replenishment.

This means we are in a situation of continually deficiency in the biochemicals that keep us calm and ensure we do not over produce the ones that keep us excited so we can take correct and prudent decisions.

This is a very stressful condition for the body to be in especially as we are usually in places without access to the sun most of the day because we are indoors.

Now lets take a look at the effect of having guns around. Is it stressful to the body’s system giving us a heightened awareness of danger? The guns make us feel in control and ready to meet any challenge. This state of heightened awareness is stressful to the body resulting in continual production of a lot of adrenalin and other biochemicals we need to carry out fast action.

Having guns around is also stressful because we must exercise control over ourselves not to be too fearful and not to answer every opposition with gunfire.

As we can see guns access means we need a lot of the biochemicals that keep us calm so we do not over react.

This is not compatible with modern living that heavily uses up those same biochemicals which means we are all one step away from being out of control and over fearful.

Statistics in the media since the awful incidence in Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012 Connecticut bear this out.

In countries where there is a lot of technology use but limited access to gun there is less gun violence, as people there do not have the luxury of expressing their overproduction of excitatory biochemicals we call excitatory neurotransmitter through guns.

Since computers are here to stay, if we do not want mass murder to become an incontrollable epidemic, we must enact sensible gun control laws and face the reality of the fact that our technology use has limitations and learn to live within them.