I have been involved in the technology and accounting industry for well over 20 years as an IT professional and an internationally certified professional accountant. I like everyone else was deluded into believing that computers could not cause serious health damage. In December 2006 all that changes as I became seriously ill due to my long use of computers. I was unaware that computer use exposes one to chemical and electrical imbalances and pollution that overtime could result in serious damage and prevent me from continuing in my technology career. This area is not well known by the medical profession and they could not help me when I fell ill. In desperation, I turned to the scriptures where I found the answers I needed and after discussing with my doctors started the long road to recovery. I then did a lot of research in medical and scientific journal so I could tell people what I had learned from the Bible in a language they can understand. I have put it all in the book Lessons I Learned the Hard Way.